Decentralised power and heating projects: energy anytime, anywhere.
ETW technology can fully exploit its strengths in decentralised power and heating projects:
Greater energy efficiency, reduced CO2 emissions through combined heating and power generation
ETW CHP plants achieve efficiency levels of 90% of the amount of fuel used. This means our customers can significantly reduce their operating costs and thus increase their competitiveness. One positive side effect is the CO2 reduction of up to 60% compared to energy generated separately.
A coupling of different systems is possible without any problem. In addition to combined heat and power systems with heat used in district heating circuits, steam generators or thermal oil heat exchangers, we also implement combined power, heating and cooling systems.
With one technology partner we have already implemented the complete steam production for one customer in the food industry using hybrid boilers (multipass steam generator with engine waste heat plus gas burners).
Energy security through flexible CHP plants
In the event of power failure or poor grid connection conditions, CHP systems can make a decisive contribution to safeguarding energy supplies for companies. With their very fast start-up times, ETW CHPs enable automatic switching between grid parallel and island operation as well as automatic back-synchronisation, to supply relevant business sectors with power and heat reliably and without interruption at any time.
Reference: Food production in Kursk, Russia
Avoidance of peak loads in energy-intensive companies
With targeted reductions in power use due to gas engine systems that start quickly, energy-intensive companies can avoid peak loads and thus generate considerable annual savings. These gas engine systems are often combined with battery storage systems as well an energy recording management system.
We can achieve start-up times (0 – 100%) of three minutes.
Reference: Producer of stainless steel products, Krefeld